
Statistics show that approximately 40% of marriages in the UK end in divorce. Although this is very high, divorce is still a sensitive matter and we at Prentice Family Law have extensive experience in making sure that the process is carried out quickly and effectively for the benefit of you and your loved ones. The longer the process takes, the more traumatic the situation can become; therefore, it is important that you consult one of our trusted divorce solicitors in Guildford to deal with your case. We have over 20 years of experience and we can serve you nationwide communicating via telephone, email, letter, Skype or in person; whichever is most suitable for you.

A simple divorce process

Whether you are a sole applicant or you have decided as a couple to apply for a divorce and would like to put forward a joint application, our divorce solicitors in Guildford are here to help you. Since last year the process itself has become significantly easier; you do not have to prove why you wish to separate, there is no need to blame each other, rather you need to tick a box to confirm the irretrievable breakdown of your marriage. This allows the process to be more amicable and straightforward. However, it is still important that you speak to specialist divorce solicitors in Guildford from the outset to ensure a positive outcome for all.

The importance of legal advice

Here, at Prentice Family Law, our divorce solicitors in Guildford will help deal with the legal issues of a divorce, making sure that your rights are protected throughout the process. This includes dividing your finances and assets correctly. It is not as simple as receiving 50% each, rather an equal division of assets may be appropriate in some cases but not in others. There are many factors to take into consideration when dividing the assets, including how long you have been married, your income, your partner’s income and your financial contributions. Our experienced divorce solicitors will be able to lead financial negotiations on your behalf, or prepare you for your own negotiations, to make sure that we achieve a positive outcome for you and your loved ones and that you are happy with the result.

Maintenance payments will also need to be discussed and confirmed where applicable. Depending on your financial situation, you may have to support your partner during and after the divorce or vice versa. Childcare arrangements will need to be made and we will help you put together a parenting plan that has your children’s best interests in mind. In some cases you or your partner may have to make child maintenance payments, depending on whether you have single custody of the children or if you decide on co-parenting and we will ensure that this is dealt with accordingly.

Most couples will have to wait around six months for the divorce to be finalised, allowing you to consider whether you truly want to separate or if you wish to give each other another chance. Whatever your choice is, here at Prentice Family Law we are here to support you.