
As an established top rated law firm, our highly competent and experienced divorce solicitors in Weybridge at Prentice Family Law, know well how difficult it can be for our clients to go through divorce proceedings. More often than not, getting a divorce is riddled with complexities, which means there can be no substitute for the guidance, support and professional advice from our divorce solicitors in Weybridge.

It can get even trickier when parents have children to protect with their interests and wellbeing to secure as well. With trusted advice and professional support from our well-experienced divorce solicitors in Weybridge, we can help clients move confidently forward with their lives.

Seeing that getting a divorce is likely to trigger emotional upset, here are the many ways in which our dedicated divorce solicitors can help ease the stress and strains of divorce proceedings.

The rewards of hiring a divorce solicitor

Reliable advice

The divorce cases that are straightforward and simple are few and far between. It is more the normal state of affairs that filing for divorce is a complicated process that is often entangled by financial security interests of each or both parties, and parental rights, if there are children’s needs to be considered.

If getting a divorce is made complicated or acrimonious as most divorce proceedings tend to be, then it is always best to have the support and guidance from an expert divorce lawyer. Our specialist divorce lawyers can advise on a wide range of issues, from arrangements regarding children to financial matters including pensions and property.

Legal paperwork taken care of

Clients are often surprised that divorce proceedings are not always as straightforward as they thought they would be. Like any other legal process, completing and submitting required paperwork on time does streamline the process. As our divorce lawyers are specialists in the field of family law, they are fully aware of all the paperwork that needs to be filed.

Benefit from a skilled negotiator

Engaging in negotiations is often part and parcel of divorce proceedings and a divorce solicitor skilled in the art of negotiation is worth their weight in gold. We work towards the best interests of our clients, ensuring their rights are protected throughout the process.

While not every couple wanting a divorce may need a divorce solicitor, it is strongly advised that an appropriately experienced legal professional be employed, particularly if the divorce involves children or if the divorce is being contested by the other party. Not every law firm focuses on all areas of the divorce process: some may focus on filing paperwork and offering legal advice while others may deal with complex matters such as cases of domestic abuse or arrangements involving children or monetary matters. In selecting a suitable divorce expert, a prospective client must identify the exact legal services they require and choose a legal practitioner accordingly.

Our team of experienced and highly successful divorce solicitors at Prentice Family Law are here to help. We offer expert legal advice and forward-thinking solutions to help clients get the outcomes they want. Reach out to our front desk to schedule a free initial consultation to find out how best we can help you.