
Going through a divorce can be an extremely stressful time, and you want to make sure that you are getting useful legal help from qualified divorce solicitors in Guildford. This is where we come in, as you can trust us with giving you high quality legal help pertaining to every aspect of your divorce.

Usually during a divorce, there are two main things that you will want to focus on, which are children and finances. Both of these things can bring about disagreements between yourself and your spouse, and we can give you legal advice on how you can sort these issues out.


Our team of highly qualified divorce solicitors in Guildford have the required specialist knowledge that is needed when dealing with custody issues. You and your spouse may be disagreeing on who has custody of the child and when, and this is something we can give guidance on how to resolve.

Not being able to agree on who sees your children and when can be extremely stressful and upsetting, and it can be hard to know what to do. There are different ways in which you can try and resolve your custody disagreements, such as using a mediator, who is someone we can help you to contact. If you and your spouse cannot resolve your disagreements over custody of your child, then the courts may eventually have to decide for you, and we can help you through this process as well if needed, but we will always try to avoid this happening.


Having to sort through your finances and assets is another added stress of divorce, and can bring a whole load of other things to think about and deal with. This is why we can offer you legal help when you are sorting through your finances, and can help to produce the correct documents disclosing your income and assets. Your spouse should do the same, and you should try and agree on a mutual ground about who gets what.

If you can’t decide this between yourselves, the court can do it for you, as with child custody  mentioned above. The court will take everything into account, including both parties’ incomes, outgoings, financial commitments, assets and more. We will help guide you through the process and ensure that you have filled in all of the correct documentation to give you the best chance of a good outcome.

What are the benefits to having a divorce solicitor?

There are many benefits that you can enjoy when you are getting help from divorce solicitors in Guildford. Going through a divorce is hard enough, but having to deal with all the legal parts of it can be very overwhelming, and that’s why we do what we do. One of the main benefits is that you will have help from someone who is knowledgeable about every aspect of the law surrounding divorce. This can be a huge help when it comes to dealing with the documentation and the courts, as it can be very hard navigating through it all when you don’t know much about family law.