A nuptial agreement can be made before or after marriage.

Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement (pre-nup) is a written document that sets out your joint understanding of what will happen to your finances if the marriage or civil partnership comes to an end. It is very important that both parties take their own independent legal advice in relation to any agreement.

Postnuptial Agreement

You may want to think about a post nuptial agreement, an agreement made after you are married, if for example you come into money during your marriage.

Although they are not automatically enforceable in the UK, the Supreme Court has given recognition to nuptial agreements and the Law Commission has recommended new legislation. In many cases now they influence the outcome of divorce settlements and can offer a good deal of protection.

At Prentice Family Law we offer an initial free telephone consultation to discuss your case and the best way forward for you, as each case is unique.

If you would like to arrange a call please call 01483 237 989 or email paul@prenticefamilylaw.co.uk at any time.

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